Are you a sustainability manager looking for effective solutions to build strategic and long-lasting relationships with your stakeholders?
Do you want to discover how to improve engagement and achieve real business impact?
A successful sustainability strategy starts with a solid network of relationships, but managing them can present several challenges, such as raising your team's awareness on ESG issues, developing a shared understanding, and managing stakeholder expectations.
The Solution: The Stakeholder Map
Enter the Stakeholder Map, a digital tool designed to support sustainability managers in steering the company towards shared sustainable development.
In an increasingly complex corporate environment, this tool offers a clear and shared vision of the various actors who influence or are influenced by your organization’s objectives.
Why the Stakeholder Map is Essential
Imagine having a tool that allows you to visualize and understand all the dynamics of your stakeholders, aligning your company for sustainable success. The Stakeholder Map enables you to identify, analyze, and strategically manage relationships with all the actors involved in your business ecosystem, making it as sustainable as possible.
Benefits of Using It
Strategic Alignment: By identifying and understanding key stakeholders, you can better align your business strategies with sustainability goals, essential for long-term success.
Proactive Risk Management: Knowing stakeholders’ interests and concerns enables you to proactively manage risks and avoid potential conflicts.
Fostering Transparency and Trust: Actively involving stakeholders in decision-making processes promotes transparency and builds trust. This approach enhances your company’s reputation and fosters support from communities and investors.
Strengthening Engagement: By mapping and understanding stakeholders’ needs and expectations, you can engage in deeper, more targeted dialogues, creating connections that support and strengthen your sustainability strategy.
Five-Step Process
Identify and List Your Stakeholders: Start with a detailed list of internal and external stakeholders.
Assess Power, Legitimacy, and Urgency: Use a scale from 1 to 5 for each attribute.
Classify Stakeholders: Use the provided categories to determine the type of stakeholder.
Analyze and Understand: Write down the shared interest in sustainability.
Define Your Strategy: Decide how to maintain and improve relationships with each stakeholder group.
The Stakeholder Map is a powerful tool for understanding and managing the complex dynamics of your business ecosystem. By using it, you can build stronger, more strategic relationships, promoting sustainable and resilient development for your company.
Ready to take the first step? Download the Stakeholder Map and discover how it can revolutionize your approach to stakeholder management and corporate sustainability.